Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hooray for My One Year Blogoversary + Giveaway!

That's right, one year ago today I sat down and decided "Hey, I'm going to start a blog." Actually there was heck of a lot more of a decision making process going on behind it but let's skip all that and get to celebrating!

One year ago today, my first blog post was posted. Looking back, apparently, I had very high expectations of myself. It's lovely to say I want to do things but then forget the fact that life has an annoying way to get in the way of things. So after a year of blogging, I have:

43 blog posts (including this one)
17 book reviews
24 followers by GFC
31 followers on Bloglovin'
2 Liebster Awards

Personally, I don't think that's too bad considering, I kinda sorta failed at posting twice every week and I cut back my initial book challenge from 100 books to 52 (which I didn't make anyway because again - LIFE) and Blogger failed on my web browser for a while and I couldn't figure out how to fix it.

For this next year of blogging, I promise to post more - I won't give myself a set number per week but just more regularly than I have been - and I challenge myself to read at least 52 books in 2015. I was fairly certain that I could do 100 books in a year but I like to savor books as I'm reading them. I reread my favorite parts, flip back and forth trying to put together plot clues, fawn over favorite characters, squee a bit now and then sometimes in public, etc. etc. I just want to give myself time to do all that without feeling pressured to keep up with a huge reading challenge. I also want to post more reviews. I read a lot but I'm really lazy when it comes to writing reviews because honestly, I just want to start reading my next book!

Fun new things to come in 2015:
Finally get a new layout
More reviews (books, movies, and maybe even TV shows)
More consistency with Top Ten Tuesdays (my favorite meme)
More random bookish posts
Potentially my own weekly meme

And now for the part you've all been waiting for: The Giveaway! So for anyone, who's been keeping up with my posts, you might remember I mentioned that I work in my local Barnes and Noble. Well, this past Black Friday, the company did this cool thing where we sold limited amounts of copies of certain books signed by their authors. I have two of those books just waiting for a lovely new home on one of your book shelves! 
Sorry to any international readers who might be following me but this giveaway is United States only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck on the giveaway! Thanks for sticking with me for a year and here's to another awesome year of reading and blogging ahead! 


  1. Omg I'm in love with your blog and gosh, you're making me really excited to see some new layouts and more posts in the future! Congrats on all the accomplishments of 2014 and thanks for the giveaway!

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. Aww yay!! I'm glad you enjoy my blog =D I'm 85% sure I'm going to use Butterfly-o-Meter for my layout. Of all the layout sites that I've seen, she has the most diverse profile when it comes to the way she designs. The other ones I saw seemed to reuse the same basic style but with different colors.

      Thank you! And good luck in the giveaway! =)

  2. Happy blogoversary, Jazzie! And many happy returns!
    ~ Litha Nelle

  3. Congrats on your first bloggy birthday! YAY!! AWESOMELY WONDERFUL MILESTONE!! You've done way more amazing in your first year than I did in mine. ;-) I think I had like 5 followers even after two years of blogging. heh. Savouring books is GOOD. I really need to slow down and enjoy the book journey as I read. I usually just dive into a book and read without breathing. -_- Slowing down is a good habit! XD

    1. Thank you!! =D Haha yes, savoring books is good. I usually just dive into books too but lately, I've been reading more slowly to enjoy the characters and overall awesomeness of what I'm reading. This is mostly because I've been reading Maggie Steifvater. One has to give her writing and characters the proper attention they deserve. It's just a given. =P

      Cake was also a given all celebratory things considered ^_^

  4. Happy Blogoversary ! <3 I can't wait to see more from you :)

    Most recent post:

  5. Chips and dip! you can't beat it!

  6. Happy Blogiversary Jazzie! Ice Cream. Cake. Aww heck. All of it! :-)

    1. Thanks! And thanks for participating in my giveaway! Yes all of it is good =D

  7. Congrats, happy first blogiversary! :D To comment on your question on my blog: you can still join the fairytale reading challenge. Just add your posts to the monthly link-ups :) Only the big sign-up post is closed, but that's just more for the idea.

    1. Thank you!! Yay!! I was hoping that'd be the case. Haha I'm so excited for your challenge =)


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